Saturday, October 9, 2010

Midnight Musings...October, The Monster Month!

Hmmm, when I set on this adventure, I told myself, like so many do, it would be easy. Who doesn't love to share their favorite new book and feel that rush when someone else feels the same way (especially after you've bugged them incessantly about your newest bookshelf addition--or in my case, book box, desk, another book box, AND bookshelf edition!).
Ahh, then that pesky little thing called life enters the picture. And you realise how insane your schedule really is. (Especially this month---I mean, really, who knew October was such a fun insane raging monster of a month?)

There are so many must reads I've crossed off my list in the past few weeks, that to review each and every one separately would: A.) Take entirely way too much time leaving none for puppy (not an option because she won't allow it), no bellydance (also a non-negotiable), and no fun time with the other half (which he already eyes the Droid as competition). LIGHT BULB!

So, here are my midnight musings encompassing the must-reads I've finally gotten down and dirty with (not really dirty, but you get the gist!) and a quickie review/drooling/ugh. Enjoy!

Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane....All this talk of Terrible Fever?!??!! What's a girl to do? Book pimpers, this one's all one you. My biggest issue? The drugs threw me off (I actually felt sheltered and confused *hangs head for a moment*) and made me leery. A different spin, and one that I found to be imaginative as well as pushing the envelope in the direction not many would go (our heroine is am addict, the dark brooding afore mentioned Terrible is named, well Terrible). And it works. While I don't entirely have Terrible Fever quite yet, here's to joining y'all on the journey. I already have the next one lined up....

Sin Undone by Larissa Ione...Seriously, pure genius to take the two sexiest creatures of paranormal hotness in the form of the darkly sexy vampire/alpha yummy werewolf Con. Seriously...enough said.

Fallen by Lauren Kate...Cover art alone sold me on this book. Unfortunately, it took me quite awhile to actually get it into my hot little hands! There seems to be a trend leaning towards angels in my reading cue of late, and this was the first to jump into the fray. A little slow for me at first, but then I hit a point where I couldn't put it down. There are threads to be unraveled (some of which I'm positively itching to uncover!)...and luckily for me, Torment is now available. (Sigh...the only question is, when? Have you seen my pile?)

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick...Patch, you evil little bugger (I mean that affectionately, I assure you). Fate stepped in, because I believe if I would have read Hush Hush before Fallen my opinion of Luce and Daniel would have paled in comparison to Patch and Nora. My favorite YA authors have always been the ones who aren't pulling back or dumbing down their work for their audience. The respect them in such a way that it only makes the story telling that much better for it. Perfect example.

And with that, I have to say my words are jumbling and not quite cooperating. Til next time!

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